Friday, February 4, 2011

Movie Review: Streets of Legend

Movie Name(s): Quattro Noza/ Streets of Legend
Year: 2003
Genre: Action, Drag Racing, Gangster
Director: Joey Curtis
Cast: Brihanna Hernandez, Victor Larios and Robert Beaumont

Well! What can I say about a low budget movie with new faces? It is a good effort but doesn't have the stuff to make it into the big league. It is probably limited a few viewers on Youtube who watch the movie free and a few others who watch the flic by mistake.

Anyway the movie tells the story of illegal drag racing on the streets of East Los Angeles and on the side lines is the romance between the main protagonists of the story Noza and Quattro. Then there is the villain in the form of Noza's former boyfriend who is in prison for drug abuse and tampering with evidence. He storms out of jail when he comes to know that Noza is going out with the new guy on the block and then all hell breaks loose.

The movie ends on a rather sad note and could have been easily changed. The races could have been pictured better which would have made the movie much better. It has an R rating I don't know why? There is absolutely no scene in the movie worth an R rating.

Final Verdict: Don't watch it unless you have absolutely nothing to do. Or you are a great fan of street racing.

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